Industry News

» About the correct...

The daily maintenance and maintenance of the flat mask making machine is very important. Normally, it is necessary to carry out more irregular......

Jun 25, 2021 Play

» Understand the development...

The spinning machine twists many animal and plant fibers together into threads or yarns, which can be used to weave into cloth. The first spinning......

Jun 25, 2021 Play

» The development of spinning...

Do you really understand the development history of spinning machines? The following are the different historical stages of the development of......

Jun 25, 2021 Play

» Introduction to the...

The pipe cutting machine is a very common machine, but many people don't know what advantages the pipe cutting machine has. 1. Greatly......

Jul 9, 2021 Play

» Introduction to the use and...

Use occasions and scope of pipe cutting machine: Housing construction; shipyards; automobile production, industrial pipeline equipment, pulp,......

Jul 9, 2021 Play

» Matters needing attention...

For example, the gauze masks, protective masks, and medical masks produced are all common. As people’s daily “friends”, we can......

Jul 9, 2021 Play

» Knowledge about pipe...

The principle of the pipe cutting machine is to cooperate with each other through the air-push-oil type. The electrical system controls the......

Aug 16, 2021 Play

» Introduction to the...

There are several advantages of using pipe cutting machine for operation: 1. Greatly improve and alleviate installation safety and fire......

Aug 16, 2021 Play